Thursday, December 22, 2016

Guadalupe Fest

The second weekend in December is the annual Guadalupe festival -- in honor of the town's namesake, Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, the patron saint of Latin America.  Her feast day is on December 12th, and so the town has a big party!

There are a whole bunch of events associated with the fiesta weekend.  It actually starts in early December with a Novena, which is a series of 9 consecutive evenings when there is a special religious celebration in honor of something in particular -- in this case, the Our Lady of Guadalupe.  There was a Mass every evening, with a procession behind a large framed picture of the Virgin of Guadalupe, and the whole group saying a rosary (led by one of the nuns).  There is nothing like this where we live in the US, where there is a very intentional line drawn between community / secular and religious life -- here it is all very blended.

 The smaller church in town, decorated specially with a statue of the Virgin of Guadalupe front and center

 Dogs often wander into the church -- this guy is sitting under a pew

 People processing through town behind the picture of the Guadalupe

John carrying a tired Annalise during the procession

The next event was on the Friday of the fiesta weekend -- an all day walk from our town of Guadalupe, down one side of the river to the town of La Saquea, and back again along the other side of the river.  This is also a procession with four hearty guys carrying the picture of Our Lady if Guadalupe on their shoulders.  All told, it is something like a 10 mile walk -- in the heat and humidity.  There is lots of support for the walkers, with water and food stops along the way.

In preparation for the walk, there is ritual on Friday morning.  In the early morning hours when it's still dark, they parade a bull decorated with ribbons through town, accompanied by a brass band hired from the city of Loja, about 3 hours away.  They then slaughter the bull (in public, but a little bit hidden away behind the bridge).  With the meat they make a soup that is ready in the afternoon, and when the tired walkers arrive back in Guadalupe, they have a nice meal waiting for them.

John and Emmett watching the slaughter of the bull, which is off to the right, out of sight (they way I wanted it...)

We did not do the entire walk -- I had to work at the clinic, and it was way to far for Annalise.  But we did meet up with the walkers in the nearby town of Piuntza, and we walked the last half hour or so -- just for the experience.  Like any group athletic event for a cause, there was a nice sense of camaraderie and fun.  There were a lot of people walking in terrible shoes (flip-flops, or the equivalent), and one little girl walking in her socks.  But they persevered!  Annalise ran into her friend Leidy from school, and they did the whole walk arm in arm.

 Emmett met up with some buddies during the walk

 A group of walkers

 It was hot -- and Emmett and some friends took refuge in a waterfall to cool off

The brass band made another appearance

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful. Fun. Meaningful! Now I am just a bit jealous!!
