Saturday, May 27, 2017

Emmett and Annalise's school bids farewell to Padre Jorge

Emmett and Annalise's school, Inti Pakare, honored Padre Jorge's departure with traditional dancing, singing and food.  Inti Pakare is a small bilingual Saraguro school where students are taught in Spanish but also receive instruction in the indigenous Kwichua language.    Inti Pakari parents are very grateful for Padre Jorge.   All of the students seemed to embrace the opportunity to honor Padre.     Annalise worked hard with her class to learn the new dance routine.    She and her friend, Klebe, are leaders in her class and both seem to occasionally function as teacher assistants.  Kate and I have videos of the dance routines that we can show anyone who asks when we return home.  Without music the pictures really do not do justice to the vibrancy and spirit of the dances.

Annalise, her classmates and her teacher Rosita

Annalise, classmates and teacher Berta

Emmett's teacher, Berta

Angeles Eliana, Alondra, Angeles in front 

Annalise with her Saraguro outfit

classmates reciting a poem for Padre Jorge

getting ready to start a dance (waiting for Emmett)

the finale 

students sang the Austrian national hymn to Padre Jorge (his native land) while displaying placards representing the Austrian flag.  

Emmett and his dance troupe performed a Saraguro dance

another dance in honor of Padre Jorge 

Luz, Yudie, Dominica and Leidy watching the dance

the district school superintendent presented a beaded goblet to Padre Jorge 

Saraguro elders performing a dance

Emmett and his dance crew

Saraguro elder presenting Padre with a beaded necklace 

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