Sunday, September 25, 2016

Soccer in the park

This week in Quito has been a nice change of pace -- we do love the quiet and slowness of our life in Guadalupe, but shaking it up with some fast-paced city action can be fun too.

One of the things we have been doing this week in Quito is some more Spanish school.  Wed - Fri mornings we spent 3 hours each day in private Spanish lessons at Beraca Spanish School, where we studied Spanish in July and August.  We really like the staff and teachers there.

One afternoon, John's teacher Patricio, and Emmett's teacher Vinicio, met us in the Parque de Carolina to play some soccer.  It was quite the match!  Carolina is in the middle of the city, with about 15 small turf soccer fields that anyone can use.  John and Emmett had a great time running around.

They even scored a sweet goal together.  GOOOOAAAAAL!

Emmett absolutely loves his Spanish teacher, Vinicio, and he was a very happy guy (with turf smeared on his face) to be able to play some ball with him.

Meanwhile, Annalise gets tired of watching soccer, so she played on the playground at Carolina.

I am often struck by how different urban life is from rural life -- it is true everywhere all over the world, and no less so here in Ecuador.  It's very cool to be able to experience and enjoy both perspectives of Ecuadorean life.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe it's my computer that won't play the videos? Has anyone else had trouble with this??
